Mako Hemp Co. Review

If you are buying hemp products for the first time and do not know the most important facts, Mako Hemp Co. will help you. The brand has one of the most interactive websites in the hemp industry. The website provides you with lots of information on everything you need to know about hemp enabling you to have first-hand knowledge on the effects of the product you need.

The company also offers a wide range of products from different brands across the industry. They handpick all the products carefully, guaranteeing high quality to ensure that they provide the users with nothing but the best CBD-based products. Mako Hemp Co. came into the hemp industry scene after the 2018 farm act bill to take advantage of a market flooded with hemp products from various brands.

Unlike many other hemp brands, Mako did not focus on formulating its own line of canna-based products. Instead, the brand created a one-stop virtual shop by pooling reputable names from various hemp brands in the industry. The shop stocks literally every product you need as a supplement for your wellness and health, which Mako Hemp Co. ensures you know by feeding you with a wealth of information through their website.

 Product Line-Up

If you browse through the product catalog on the Mako Hemp Co. website, you will see six different product categories. The six categories are hemp flowers, edibles, pet products, tinctures, topicals, and vapeables. The best-selling product on the line-p is the best hemp flower.

The brand offers twelve different raw hemp flower strains at slightly higher prices than that from other brands. The starting price for the hemp flower is $12 per gram. The most popular strains of the twelve include CBG White, Sour Space Candy, and Kush E1.

The raw hemp flowers' packaging is available in different denominations ranging from 1 gram to 3.5 grams and 7 grams. The brand also offers pre-rolls that come in a 1-gram denomination and retail at $12 apiece. The edibles are another popular category in different picks, with the most popular being the Vivid CBD brand.

The edibles come in raspberry rings, CBD Honey, agave syrup, gummy bears, peach ring gummies, and CBD coffee. Other products worth mentioning include the various e-liquids for vaping, topicals, and the potent broad-spectrum dog tincture.

 Website, Discounts, and Coupons

As mentioned earlier, Mako Hemp Co. has a very interactive website that pays attention to information. The website provides you with knowledge about the legality and the benefits of hemp. The site has a FAQ page that provides buyers all the answers they need before spending money on purchases.

However, one thing that may surprise you about the website is what happens when you click on your chosen product. A click on any product takes you to another website by the name MySimpleCBD that shows other partner brand products alongside those of Mako Hemp.

Nonetheless, the distraction actually makes it even easier to shop, and it is as informative as the Mako Hemp Co. website. The advantage is that you find the strains faster and more easily without scanning through many pages for results.

When it comes to discounts and coupons, Mako hemp is not very big on that section. Unlike many other hemp brands that allow you to sign for a newsletter, Mako hemp does not do so, but users can open personal accounts on the My Simple CBD Website.

Being part of the user database gets some registered buyers exclusive offers and discounts. You can follow the brand on social media where it has an active presence.

Legal Compliance

All the products sold by Mako Hemp Co. are legal and safe. The brand only partners with reputable brands that abide by the farm act bill limiting the THC levels on hemp products to a maximum of 0.3%. The website also touches on the legality of the products, which assures you of buying only that which is legal in all the USA's 50 states.

Wrapping it up

Even though the prices of the products Mako Hemp Co. sells are steeper than those of other brands, you get value for money. The brand sells a wide range of high-quality products with a potency that aligns with your preferences and needs.

The brand provides all visitors to the website with much more information on different products than you find on other hemp-based websites. Overall, Mako Hemp Co. virtual store has everything you need under one roof.