Types Of Balloon Flowers: A Profile Of Balloon Flower

The balloon flower is a type of plant that grows in temperate regions. It is also known as the Dutchman’s Pipe, which comes from its resemblance to the old tobacco pipes once used by Dutch traders. The difference between this and other types of flowers are that it has a swollen stem with small green leaves at the top, and it produces small clusters of delicate white or pale pink flowers during summer months.

Another interesting fact about this type of flower is that they tend to grow on moist ground near rivers or streams, but can be grown in containers too!

Pink Balloon Flower

Pink Balloon Flower are also called Star-of-Bethlehem; Spanish Daffodil or Star of Bethlehem; African Star-of-Bethlehem or even Stargazers. Native to southern Europe, the plant is also found in northern Africa and Arabia. It was introduced to North America by colonists who used it as an ornamental garden plant, but the plant spread into shady areas on its own.

There are completely hardy to zone 7, and temps from -20°F for most varieties. When the flowering season comes, this plant will produce a tall spike of star-shaped flowers that grow in clusters. The leaves are shiny and have a jagged edge which they hold close to give the balloon flower its family nickname: Star of Bethlehem.

This plant does not like to be moved once it has been established in the garden so use this plant by itself if you have a spot for it. It is also great for containers or raised beds with rich, moist soils which drain well.

The pink balloon flower produces stems up to 50 cm (20 inches) tall becoming woody at the base. The leaves are divided into three to five linear lobes. Wild plants can reach a height of up to 1m, but growth can be controlled by pruning the plant with shears or by using sharp scissors.

Blue Balloon Flower

The Blue balloon flower is a plant native to the USA. It can be found in many states of the North Eastern region of America as well as on the west coast and all through Canada. This perennial seed bearing herb belongs to the pea family Fabaceae. The average height of the plant is about 2 to 3 feet tall.

The stems are vertical from a basal bush and have leaflets which can be twice pinnately compound in some species. The leaves and branches are erect spreading stems, while flowers come in clusters of many colors like red, white and blue but mostly in shades of pinkish purple.

This plant is mainly found in moist soils ad meadows where it can be seen growing partially shaded from the sun and full sun. In many regions this plant is considered invasive and thus destructive to native grasses.

It flowers in July or August when summer has already arrived making it one of the earliest blossoming plants. The seeds are mature 180 days after flowering when they can easily be collected for planting.

It is a perennial plant which grows by rhizomes and has deep roots that allow it to survive in dry soils with low water availability, so you may find it growing on rocky hillsides or thinning forests where there is little competition from other plants. The Blue Balloon flower goes under the categories of both ornamental and medicinal plants.

Red Balloon Flower

It is a perennial plant, growing to about 60cm in height. It produces a large number of bronze (almost reddish-orange) flowers with black centres over the summer months.

The leaves are in opposite pairs on the stem and vary from dull green to purple or nearly black. This plant prefers a cool and moist climate found in thickets, woodlands or even along the edges of forests. The flower is pollinated by the honey bee or bumblebee.

The plant is native to the United States regions of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Arkansas and North Carolina. It has a tendency to grow in forests that have been logged recently as well as beside trails that have not been used for some time.

The young leaves are edible but only if cooked first. Consuming raw could cause abdominal pain and even death! This plant is also used as an herbal remedy for many illnesses such as colds and fever.

Usually around 3-4ft in height, this small perennial grows from a woody base known as the rootstock or rhizome. It has flowers that vary in colour from cream to brown-yellow which are borne in clusters on the stem.

This is typically found in open woodland, especially with beech trees, and sometimes on stony ground. It flowers from June to September and is easily recognisable by its small leaves that are similar to clover leaves.

Purple Balloon Flower

The purple balloon flower ( Plastago major ) is a type of flowering plant that has many species all over the world and are fairly easy to grow. They are also used in many different types of corsages, bouquets, and other types of arrangements or decorations.

The flowers can be generally seen in late summer to early fall growing in areas like plains, meadows, swamps, and even marshes. The flowers are usually purple in color but there are some that can have other colors mixed into the flower as well.

The plant is a perennial which means it grows back year after year from its growing area. It has a green stem with thick leaves on it and has a sweet smell to it, typical of other flowers.

The leaves can vary in size depending on the different species that are growing around it, and they also come in many shapes and forms as well. Some have small hairs on them while others don't have any at all.

The flowers grow directly from the top of the stem with their petals spread out. They can grow in different types of arrays, depending on the species that they are growing around. The flowers have five petals which are greenish or purplish colored and have a small seed pod located at their base.

The purple balloon flower is commonly found in marshy areas where they generally like to grow as they're able to handle the wet conditions. They have a large root system that helps them stay stable in their environment and also enables them to grow on top of mud or muddy areas.

Yellow Balloon Flower

The yellow balloon flower is an erect perennial herb that grows from one to two meters in height. Yellow inflorescence, consisting of many flowers arranged in a large, flat-topped cluster. Individual flowers are white or green with red markings and exceptionally long pedicels (up to 20 cm).

This is 0.5-2 m tall, slender hairy stems. Alternate, palmately divided into usually 5 oblong or elliptic leaflets, each one to 10 cm long and 2-8 cm broad; petiolules 1-3 mm long. Flowers in large, flat-topped terminal clusters, those of the lower part of the inflorescence usually subtended by leaves; individual flowers are essentially sessile and occur 2-5 per node.

Cultivated fields or along roadsides. Often used as an ornamental flower. Can be found growing in sandy soil. If allowed to grow, the plant would spread over a large area and choke out other plants around it.

Green Balloon Flower

Green balloon flowers have been in use for years by florists. They're bended, twisted and shaped into flowers used for decorative purposes. These balloon flowers are usually made from the leaves of a plant which is actually a type of morning glory. This green leafy material is blown up like a balloon to exhibit its natural balloon-like appearance.

The green foliage that is turned into these kinds of balloon flowers adds to the beauty of the bouquets they're used in. They blend well with other flowers and occasionally stand out due to their green color and round shape. These balloon flowers are generally sold as individual pieces, sometimes in a set or pairs.

Green balloon flowers have different uses than most types of balloon flowers do; they can be utilized for both garlands and centerpieces. They can be used to create the perimeter of a bridal bouquet or for a wedding arch that's made from flowers. These kinds of balloon flowers come in different sizes depending on how long you want them to last, which is usually dependent on how much time they'll be in contact with water.

There are generally used to accent an arrangement or bouquet and not necessarily as the main centerpieces. However, it can be used as a centerpiece if there's a large quantity of them, but usually for decoration purposes only.

Double-flowered Balloon Flower

The double-flowered balloon flower is a hybrid carnation that was bred for its beautiful flowers, which are about 5 inches wide. The petals and sepal on the flower are arranged in opposite pairs.

It grows up to 4 feet tall and blooms from early summer until late fall. The flowers generally have six color variations to choose from, though each reacts differently with weather and soil conditions.

Plant the balloon flower in full sun and light soil. It's a good choice for areas that receive high amounts of foot traffic because it has low water requirements and tolerates dry soil well.

The double-flowered balloon flower is resistant to few pests but may occasionally suffer from aphids and root rot. The flowers make excellent use of container gardening, especially when planted in large containers near patios or entrances.

The flowers of this species, which can grow between 2 and 6 feet tall, change color as they age; the younger petals start off white before turning pink. The outer part of the sepal is light green with darker veins, while the inner portion is yellow-white. The center of the flower has a dark pink ring.

Orange Balloon Flower

Orange balloon flowers are similar to green ones but with a bright orange color. These types of balloon flowers are used for decorative purposes, as well. They can also be shaped into bouquets and centerpieces just like the green variety; however, there's a lot more that can be done with them because of their bright orange hue.

These orange colored balloon flowers are usually made from the leaves of a plant which is actually a type of morning glory. Most people grow these because they find them to be very attractive plants in their own right. They're great for adding color to your garden or landscaping, and you can even use them for indoor decorating on special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries.

Many people who grow these orange balloon flowers like to use them in their wedding bouquets, but they're really most effective when used to accent an arrangement instead of being the centerpiece. However, it can be used as a centerpiece if there's a large quantity of them, but usually for decoration purposes only.

There is very versatile when it comes to growing, which has made it one of the most popular types of balloon flowers that there are available. They grow up to 4 feet high and bloom from early summer until late fall. The flowers also have six color variations to choose from; however, each reacts differently with weather and soil conditions.

White Balloon Flower

White balloon flowers on 8-12" stems; a low growing plant.  It is native to China and it blooms most of the summer.  It does well in full sun or partial shade and dry conditions.  If it is planted in moist soil it may be susceptible to root rot.  This plant spreads quickly through the production of seeds, which sprout readily.  

White balloon flowers attract many pollinators and are a nectar source for honeybees for much of the summer.  Pea aphids are attracted to the white balloon flowers and can be harmful to other plants in the area if not controlled by a grower. Overall, this plant is low maintenance as long as it is planted properly.

 The white variety of balloon flowers is a great addition to any garden or landscape.  It looks great in a wildflower area and adds color and interest to any planter or garden bed.  This is the most common balloon flower that we carry and is available from April to August.


Are there any pests that affect the life of a balloon flower?

Yes. Aphids are one common pest that attacks balloon flowers. Another type of pest that can harm balloon flowers is slugs; they eat young leaves and stunt growth.

Do balloon flowers attract hummingbirds or butterflies?

Yes! The wide variety of colors and shapes within balloon flowers make them a perfect flower for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. Additionally, the presence of nectar in the center (usually red or orange) of certain types is an attractant to these species when they are looking for food.


Balloon flowers are perennials that grow in the summer. They take care of themselves and don't need much attention from s garden owner to flourish. The only need they have is space and sunlight. The plants themselves grow in all weather conditions, but extra care should be taken when the weather is hot to prevent scorching of leaves. Soil should be deep and loamy for best results.