Types Of Coffee: Coffee Products You Should Know

Coffee comes from the cherry-like fruit of the Coffea arabica plant, native to Central and South America. It has a very long history as a beverage and is enjoyed by people all over the world. Whether you drink it black, sweeten it with sugar, or use it to flavor other foods, there is a type of coffee that will suit your individual taste buds.

This guide gives you a basic understanding of how each of the major types of coffee tastes, and explains what characteristics to look for when you are buying coffee.


Mild, sweet, balanced Arabica is the most popular coffee in the world, and it makes up the majority of the coffee produced in Central and South America. This bean is also known as the high grown bean as it is traditionally grown at higher altitudes.

It has a smooth, creamy, mellow flavor with a hint of chocolate. It is generally considered to be the best all-around coffee for most people. This bean is ideal for making espresso or drip coffee. It is very good at extracting flavor from other ingredients such as milk, cream cheese, eggs, sugar and even spices. It also has a smooth, velvety texture which makes it a great choice for French-style brewing. 


Robusta coffee beans are a little different from the Arabica beans, in that they are more bitter and they have a more distinct acidity. They are, however, more resistant to pests and disease. They are also typically cheaper than Arabica beans.

There are several different species of coffee plants which produce Robusta beans. It has a very smooth flavor, almost no acidity, and a slightly sweet taste. It comes from a shrub plant which grows wild in the tropical regions of Africa. 

Black Coffee

Black coffee is made from plain ground coffee beans that are brewed hot. It's served without added sugar, milk, or flavorings.

In fact, it's so basic in its taste that many people who drink it enjoy the "challenge" of finding new and interesting ways to spice it up. For example, you can add a little cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger.

You can sweeten it a little with a little brown sugar. Or you can use a touch of milk (or cream) to give it a richer, more mellow flavor. Or you can stir in a teaspoon or two of cocoa powder for a pleasant "pick-me-up." 


Decaf coffee has had most of the caffeine removed. Therefore, it will not give you the jolt that regular coffee does. However, decaf still has more than half the amount of the active ingredients found in regular coffee. That's why many people enjoy the "calming" effect of drinking a cup of decaf in the morning. It helps them get going without an extra jolt of energy. However, if you are trying to cut down on caffeine then you should try to only drink decaf. It will not give you the "kick" that regular coffee does.

When you purchase decaf at the grocery store, you will usually find that it comes in a green bottle with a green cap. If you are lucky enough to live near a Mexican restaurant or a Tex-Mex restaurant, you may be able to buy some of their decaffeinated coffee. You can also make your own decaffeinated coffee.


Espresso is made by forcing steam through ground up coffee beans. Therefore, it has a much stronger "kick" than coffee. Espresso is often used as a "pick-me-up" when someone is tired or rundown. However, too much espresso can leave you feeling jittery or even a little nauseous.

In addition, it can give you an upset stomach. Espresso is sometimes used by people who are trying to cut down on caffeine. However, it has more caffeine than regular coffee. Therefore, if you are trying to avoid caffeine, then you should probably avoid espresso.

On the contrary, if you enjoy drinking espresso, try to limit yourself to no more than three cups per day. 

Caffeine is the ingredient in coffee that gives your body energy. However, too much caffeine can cause insomnia, irritability, nervousness, and, in some cases, accelerated heartbeat and stroke.


A latte is similar to an espresso. The difference is that a latte has a little bit more milk added to it. Therefore, a latte has a weaker "kick" than an espresso. But, a latte will still give you a jolt of energy. In fact, many people enjoy a latte for breakfast as an "energy boost".

This classic drink is typically 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk, topped with a thin layer of foam, but coffee shops have come up with seemingly endless customizations. You can experiment with flavored syrups like vanilla and pumpkin spice or create a nondairy version by using oat milk. Skilled baristas often swirl the foam into latte art!

Furthermore, some people enjoy a latte because it has less caffeine than coffee. 


A cappuccino is similar to an espresso. The main difference is that a cappuccino has a little bit more milk added to it.

In addition, a cappuccino has a thicker foam on top than an espresso or latte. s made with regular milk usually have about 200 milligrams of caffeine per cup. Cappuccinos made with low-fat milk have only about 50 to 100 milligrams of caffeine per cup.

To illustrate, if you have one cup of regular cappuccino and one cup of low-fat cappuccino, you will get approximately the same amount of energy from the regular cappuccino.


A macchiato is a shot of espresso with just a touch of steamed milk or foam. In Italian, macchiato means "stained" or "spotted," so a caffè macchiato refers to coffee that's been stained with milk. And remember, regular macchiato has a thicker foam on top than low-fat macchiato.


An americano is an espresso shot with no milk added to it at all. It originated in New York City and is sometimes referred to as a "black coffee". Meanwhile, in Italy, an americano is known as an espressa senza macchiato, or "espresso without foam.

On the whole, americanos have less caffeine than regular macchiatos or cappuccinos. However, if you are sensitive to caffeine, you should avoid them altogether. In fact, many people who have an intolerance to caffeine find that an americano has very little effect on them whatsoever.

Café au Lait

This fancy-sounding French drink is actually super simple: It's equal parts coffee and steamed or scalded milk. And, it was created as a soothing treat for weary travelers who couldn't get their hot beverages elsewhere. Today, however, this little drink packs a serious nutritional wallop.


A cortado is simply a shot of espresso with a thin layer of steamed milk or foam on top. In Spain, a cortadito is a very tiny cortado. As a result, some people mistakenly believe that a cortadito has less caffeine than a regular cortado. 

Flat White

A flat white is made by pouring an espresso shot into a cup full of hot water. In fact, it's the hot water which gives this drink its name. In Australia and New Zealand, a flat white is sometimes called a "Wake Up and Smell the Coffee".

As an illustration of how silly this expression is, you need to know that in those two countries, a "wake up" means "go to sleep", and a "smell the coffee" means "take a deep breath". To conclude, a flat white is simply a shortening of "flat white coffee".

Irish Coffee

Irish coffee consists of an espresso shot poured over a spoonful of sugar and then stirred into a small amount of boiling milk. The milk is usually only a few degrees above scalding (it should be neither cold nor hot).

Iced Coffee

Iced coffee is made by pouring hot water over ground coffee and then adding cold milk or ice cubes. The result is a milky-colored coffee beverage that is extremely refreshing on a hot summer day. Iced coffee is sometimes described as "an iced coffee with ice cubes instead of milk".

Iced Latte

Iced latte is identical to iced coffee except it uses espresso instead of ground coffee. This makes for a richer, more flavorful drink. Iced Macchiato An iced macchiato is similar to an iced latte, except it uses regular (not espresso) coffee instead of ground coffee.


Have you noticed that each coffee shop has its own coffee drinks on the menu?

Yes, I have. I think they're pretty creative.

What Is The Best Whole Bean Coffee?

The best whole bean coffee is anything that is fresh roasted, sold from a reputable company, uniform in size, and free of defects. They are grown in regions around the world noted for harvesting quality coffee. Each type of coffee variety produces good beans; it’s more about the farm and processing.

What coffee is made from feces?

Kopi luwak is made from coffee beans extracted from the droppings of civets. This is bad news for civets. It's the most expensive coffee in the world, and it's made from poop. Or rather, it's made from coffee beans that have been partially digested and then oozed out by the civet, a cat-like creature.

What is the most bitter coffee?

Darkly roasted coffee is the most bitter due to the break down of chlorogenic acid lactones into phenylindanes during the roasting process. Phenylindanes produce harsh-tasting, bitter flavours.


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It is also one of the most expensive. That's why it is really important to know how to buy the best cup of coffee.

We hope that this article above will help you learn more about this type of drink.