Types Of Furnace To Consider For Your House

Are you looking for the best way to keep your home warm during the cold winter months? A furnace is a heating appliance or device that supplies warm air to a room or operating area through forced circulation, typically by means of fans. If so, then it is important to understand what types of furnaces are available.

 In this article, we will discuss four of the most common types of furnaces.

Energy Sources

Gas Furnace

Most homes in the United States use a gas furnace to heat their home. It usually works by burning natural gas; however, some houses have propane or oil-fueled furnaces. These furnaces are fueled by converting the energy of natural gas into heat using an electric light. In addition, a small amount of power is used for internal furnace operations.

Gas furnaces operate under two different types of cycles – a "batch" system and a continuous combustion system. In the batch type, natural gas is injected into a chamber where it burns rapidly. After combustion, the flame goes out; then air circulates through the chamber to remove smoke and gases from it before sending into ducts.

In the continuous combustion system, a small amount of gas is introduced continuously and combusted with incoming air. The temperature in both systems can be controlled by controlling the rate of gas flow into vents.

Oil Furnace

There are two types of oil furnaces – one for central heating systems and another for local forced-air units. They are fueled by burning oil, propane, fuel oil, and/or natural gas. Oil furnaces burn more cleanly than other fuels; however, they tend to be less efficient and can release chemicals into the air. In addition, due to the burning properties of oil, odor problems can occur if the furnace is not properly maintained.

Oil furnaces are typically less expensive than electric and gas furnaces; however, they tend to be more costly to operate. In most cases, these furnaces are installed in areas where natural gas or propane is not available.

Oil furnaces for central heating systems usually burn oil, propane, or natural gas. These units are designed for larger buildings that require large amounts of heat. In addition, these furnaces can be connected to a water source by means of an internal water heater or external separate unit. The combustion process begins when a pilot light ignites the oil. Once the oil is burning, air is forced through ducts into every room.

Electric Furnace

While most people know that electricity is an energy source, many do not realize that there are two main types of electric furnaces: diffusion and radiant.

The most common type is the diffusion furnace. In this type of furnace, the heat source is inside the oven itself. The electricity produces a magnetic field in a coil which heats up carbon electrodes to around 2000 degrees Celsius (3272 degrees F) or more.

These electrodes then heat up the material inside the oven, which is called a crucible. Use of induction furnaces is growing because they are considered to be safer than traditional diffusion furnaces.

While the inside of a diffusion furnace is hot, they don't reach temperatures as high as radiant furnaces. These types of furnaces use electric energy to produce infrared radiation. They produce heat through a special element which has a very thin coating on it that produces visible light when heated. The most common use of radiant furnaces is in glassmaking.

Propane Furnace

People often use propane for cooking, but did you know that it can also be used to power furnaces? Propane is widely used in glassware manufacturing. The advantage of using this type of furnace is that the heat source sits outside the oven where it is most convenient.

This makes moving and adjusting materials easier because they don't have to be passed through the heating area. Because propane furnaces aren't used very often in other industries, there are a couple of disadvantages. They can only handle one size of crucible at a time and the furnace itself is heavy and requires a lot of electricity.


Modulating Furnaces

A modulating furnace is a type of furnace that operates with flexible settings. The further it reaches the set temperature, the higher the fan speed, thus saving energy. These types of furnaces are much more expensive than regular gas furnaces and therefore not readily available to customers who want them.

Modulating furnaces offer many benefits. At lower temperatures, the furnace is more energy efficient than a regular one. Also at high temperatures it allows for less smog and other pollutants to be emitted into the air. 

It also lowers maintenance costs because there are fewer parts in it and the motor will last longer, due to its use of electricity instead of gas. It is beneficial both for the environment and the consumer.

Modulating furnaces can be used in many different types of buildings. With modulating, there is also a greater ease in installation because fewer parts are necessary. Some people will go to great lengths to acquire a modulating furnace for their home or business, so they can receive all of its benefits, such as lower energy costs, a cleaner environment and better air quality.

Single Stage Furnace

A single-stage furnace is one that has a single input and output device, which then transfers heat into the air. This type of furnace will only be able to turn on after it reaches a certain temperature.

Single stage furnaces are not very efficient at converting energy to heat because they operate with one outlet, causing the heating process to take longer. It takes the same amount of time whether one unit, such as a space heater or an oven is turned on in the home, or if multiple items are used at once.

Single stage furnaces run on gas or electricity and they do not have modulating capabilities. They are simple devices that use a single motor to power them.

Single stage furnaces are great for homes that have a single family living in them. They do not offer the same level of efficiency as modulating or 2 stage furnaces and they are usually larger than other models, making it more difficult to find storage space for them.

Single stage furnaces also come with a sun roof, which allows for more proper air circulation in the home. With more natural light and air coming through vents, the sun roof will lower maintenance costs because the homeowner does not have to clean it often.

Single stage furnaces are very common in homes around the world because they are simple to use and quite efficient at heating up a single room or space at a time. They are able to heat up the rooms in a house quickly and evenly.

Single stage furnaces have been around for many years. They were once the main source of heat used in homes until more efficient models came out later on. Some people still prefer single stage furnaces because they can be found cheaply at local hardware stores or online.

Prices of single stage furnaces vary greatly because they can be quite large and also vary in design. Many of them have been updated to include more energy efficient features.

Multi-Stage Furnace

A multi-stage furnace is similar to a single stage furnace, but it does not come with a sun roof. It has multiple stages that allow for more flexibility in the heating process. A multi-stage furnace keeps heat in each stage and uses it to warm up various rooms of a house or building.

Multi-stage furnaces are more efficient than single stage furnaces because they allow for even heating throughout the structure, rather than just one room at a time. The heat will be distributed evenly through out the house, which causes little to no temperature fluctuation. The furnace will heat the house evenly and efficiently , lowering energy costs for months at a time.

Multi-stage furnaces are more expensive than single stage models because they have more parts in them, which increases their maintenance cost. While this makes them cost more upfront, it also effects how much energy is used over time, reducing the amount of money that will need to be spent on utilities.

Multi-stage furnaces are a great option for those who have multiple rooms in their home or building that they would like to heat at once. They also work well if someone wants to heat a home with more than one family living in it.

Modulating multi-stage furnaces are able to change between stages automatically, which allows them to heat up the entire home at the same time and cool it down when necessary. Most of these models can even adjust the temperature in each room individually. This helps homeowners save money on utilities because the furnace will change at regular intervals throughout the day.

Modulating multi-stage furnaces must be installed by professionals in order to work properly. They have extranet controls that require special training to install, which is why they are not as popular as other types of furnaces. Most modulating multi-stage furnaces are able to save a home 40 percent of its energy use.

This type of furnace is very efficient and it can also increase the longevity of the structure because heating will be more consistent throughout. It will keep everyone in the home comfortable no matter where they are located. Modulating multi-stage furnaces have become a popular choice for those who live in northern regions of the country.


How do i know which type of furnace to buy?

If you are trying to decide which type of furnace is best for you and your family, consider the size of your living space. Single stage furnaces are great for smaller homes or apartments because they only heat up one room at a time.

If you have a home with multiple levels , it would be best to invest in a multi-stage furnace. These types of furnaces have multiple stages that allow for even heating all through out the house, making them an effective way to keep everyone warm and comfortable.

Multi-stage furnaces have been updated with more energy efficient features, which has made them more popular among homeowners. They will heat up the house without raising your utility bills.

How much does a furnace cost?

Single stage furnaces can be found in hardware stores for around $400. Some of them are available online for less than this price. Modulating multi-stage furnaces can cost anywhere from $500 to several thousand dollars, depending on the model purchased.

These types of furnaces have expensive components and they must be professionally installed. They are not meant to be used by individuals who lack experience in this field.

Do i need to hire a pro to install my furnace?

Some furnaces must be professionally installed by a contractor. Modulating multi-stage furnaces are an example of one of these types. Most contractors will provide a warranty for their labor for up to two years, but it is still suggested that you verify this information with your provider before making the purchase.

Single stage furnaces are normally easier to install, but there might be special need for this type of furnace depending on your home. Consult with a contractor to determine if you will need their help installing your new heating system.

How should i maintain my furnace?

After purchasing and installing the new furnace in your home, it is important to take proper care of it. The number one maintenance tip is to keep it clean. During the winter months, you will want to have the furnace inspected and cleaned at least once a year. This process includes removing any buildup that has occurred in your chimney or hoses.

Most homeowners clean out their filters monthly during colder months simply because they don't believe they are doing much for them anyway. However, doing this is a step that cannot be omitted. These filters are not only there to keep bugs out of the furnace but they also function as a safety mechanism by keeping harmful debris from entering your home through the vents.

Whom will i call if there is something wrong with my furnace?

If you have a problem with your heating system, contact your furnace contractor immediately. The longer you wait to deal with an issue, the worse it will get. You don't want this problem to bring about any further damage that cannot be fixed or stopped. That is why it is important to hire a professional furnace contractor who will come out right away and assist you with the problem.

These professionals will normally send someone out within 24 hours to repair your heating system. In most cases, there is no extra cost for this emergency service, but some providers may charge a small fee if they were not notified in advance about the problems. Be sure to contact the person who installed your heating system if you are experiencing anything other than a problem with heating.


If you are in the market for a new heating system, be sure to consider types of furnace. The right one can save you money on your electric bill throughout the winter months.

Protecting yourself from fire is also an important factor when choosing which furnace to buy. You want to make sure that your home and family will be safe even if some problems do occur.