Types Of Hyssop Flowers: Why You Need To Make Some Space For This Herb

Hyssop is a perennial herb that is known for its fragrant flavor in cooking. It also has a minty aroma. There are many types of hyssop flowers and they come in different colors such as blue, lavender, pink, purple, and white. The flowers are used for making perfumes and other aromatic products. Some of the flowers also have medicinal uses.

Hyssopus Officinalis

Hyssop officinalis is a low growing perennial herb that is native to Europe and the Mediterranean regions. It has aromatic leaves and small white flowers with purple spots on its petals. The stems are green and square like, while the leaves are opposite each other. The plant grows well in zones 6 through 10 of the hardiness scale.

When planted in spring or fall it can reach a height of about 2 to 3 feet. It can also be propagated by root division in the spring and by cuttings in summer. Propagation is best done when the plants are dormant, either late fall or early spring. They can also be transplanted during the growth cycle but should not be disturbed except for dividing them after about three years when they become overcrowded.

Hyssopus Communis

Hyssopus communis is also a perennial herb that was first cultivated in the Mediterranean region. The plant has fragrant flowers and green leaves that are opposite each other on its stem. It grows best in zones 6 to 10 and can reach a height of about 4 feet when it is mature.

The flowers are white with purple spots on it and grow in clusters that have two to four flowers each. The plant blooms during spring, summer, or fall and has oval leaves about 3 inches long. The plant is an invasive weed in the United States.

Hyssop Agastache

Hyssop agastache known as giant hyssop or hummingbird mint, is a perennial plant that comes from North America and the Mediterranean region. The plant grows well during spring but can be planted during the fall in colder climates.

Hyssop agastache has lavender colored flowers with purple spots on them and grows well in zones 5 through 9. The plant is fragrant and smells similar to mint because it is also a member of the Lamiaceae family. The plant can reach a height of about 2 feet when it is mature.

The plant can easily be propagated by root division but it's best to divide the plants during late fall or early spring when they're dormant. It is also possible for the plant to be propagated by seeds, cuttings and division of the roots. It should be noted that hyssop agastache is an invasive weed in the United States, so it is best to remove it from unwanted areas.

Lavandula Hyssopifolia

Lavandula hyssopifolia is another type of hyssop that comes from Mediterranean regions. The plant is a member of the mint family and has small purple flowers with white spots on them. Its stem stands upright, while its leaves are opposite each other on the stem.

The flowers also smell like lavender and grow during summer and fall. The plant can reach a height of about 2 feet when it is mature. It can also be propagated by cutting or division in the fall, but should not be done before the summer of the year it was planted.

Blue Spike Lavender

The flowers are blue violet in color and have yellow spots on them. It should be planted during early spring or late winter when the temperature is not too hot and can withstand hot temperatures for short periods.

It grows well in zones 5 through 9 and can reach a height of about 2 feet. It is not encouraged that people transplant the plant, but instead simply cut it back because it will grow back within six months to a year.

Blue spike lavender does best in full sun and requires well-drained soil with low fertility levels. The flowers bloom during late spring to early summer.

Hidcote Blue Hyssop

Hidcote blue hyssop is a perennial plant that comes from Europe and Western Asia. It has green leaves that have a blue tint on them and grows well in zones 8 through 10 of the hardiness scale. The flowers are lavender colored with white spots on it and grow in clusters of two to four flowers.

Hidcote blue hyssop can reach a height of about 2 feet when it is mature and should be planted during spring or fall and can be transplanted after three years when it becomes overcrowded. Propagation of the plant, whether by seeds or cuttings, should not be done during the summer because it takes a while for the plant to grow. The plant can be propagated by cuttings only in the spring or fall.

Lavandula Latifolia

Lavandula latifolia is commonly known as English lavender because it comes from England, but also grows throughout North Africa, Australia and South Africa. It has dark green leaves with white spots on them and requires full sun, but can tolerate some shade.

Lavandula latifolia should be planted during spring or fall when the temperature is not too hot and can withstand hot temperatures for a short period of time. It can reach a height of about 1 to 2 feet before it blooms and has lavender colored flowers with purple spots.

It is not recommended to transplant the plant, but instead it should simply be cut back. The plants will re-grow after about a year of being pruned. They grow well in zones 5 through 9 and can be propagated by seeds or division after three years when they start to become overcrowded.

Hidcote Pink Hyssop

Hidcote pink hyssop is a type of flowering plant that comes from Bulgaria and Western Asia. It has green leaves with a lavender tint on them that grow opposite each other along the stems. The flowers are lavender colored as well and have white spots on them.

It should be planted during spring or fall when it is not too hot and can withstand hot temperatures for short periods of time.

Hidcote Brilliant Violet

This type of hyssop flower is a cross between the purple and blue color varieties. The brilliant violet hyssop was developed in England, specifically for Hidcote Manor garden which is located in Gloucestershire .

The variety has compact flowers that produce an abundance of nectar , which gives bees ample opportunity to pollinate them, and the flowers produce no scent. The hyssop will flower in mid-July until mid August, which makes it a good choice to plant near gardens, even those that are located close to homes. Hyssop is an herb that has been used for centuries, as a healing agent for most types of physical ailments (external or internal) and repels moths, mosquitoes and various types of flies.

Gloriosa Superba

Gloriosa superba is a flowering plant that comes from China and the Himalayas. It has large, brightly colored flowers and grows on vine-like stems. The leaves of the plant are heart shaped with reddish spots around the edges and grow opposite each other on a stem.

The flowers of gloriosa superba can grow up to six inches long and have a lavender color with purple spots on it. They can bloom during the fall, winter, spring and summer in warmer climates.

The plant grows well in zones 9 through 11 and can reach a height of about 6 feet when it is mature but should be planted during the fall or early spring because it does not like hot temperatures. Propagating gloriosa superba, either by seeds or cuttings should be done during fall of the year in which it was planted.

Hyssopus Anglicus

Hyssopus Anglicus is a small shrub that grows wild in Europe and western Asia. The flowers produced by Hyssopus Anglicus have white rays which are often bordered with purple lines or spots, the foliage is composed of dark green keeled leaves with a serrated edge, the flowers have an overall appearance of mauve.

This is an aromatic plant belonging to the mint family and is used as seasoning agent in many food dishes. It is also known for its medicinal value. The leaves of this herb are packed with a refreshing aroma that give it its common name- Woodland Hyssop.

Stems of hyssop have purplish marks atop them, while the lower leaves are lance-shaped and green. The plant reaches about 15 inches in height and has a woody appearance with tiny purple flowers, making it attractive as a herb to grow in the garden.

Lavandula Angustifolia

Lavandula angustifolia is a type of lavender that comes from Spain. It has green leaves with white spots on it and grows well in zones 6 through 9. The plant should be planted during spring or fall when the weather is not too hot and can withstand hot temperatures for a short period.

A mature lavandula angustifolia can grow up to 2.5 feet in height but growth can be stunted if the temperature is too hot for a long period of time. The plant blooms during mid spring and has lavender colored flowers with white spots on them that are fragrant like other members of the Lamiaceae family.

The flowers come in clusters of two to four depending on whether it's a single or double flowering cultivar. It is advised that people do not trim the plant because it will not grow back.

Anise Hyssop

The anise hyssop is native to the US. A perennial herb, it grows up to 2 feet tall and bears white flowers with pink throats in whorls of 6. It can be found in forests and thickets, fields, roadsides and waste areas.

The root is used traditionally to treat fevers, colds and bronchitis. The leaves can be used as a tea for treating coughs, sore throats and to help induce sleep. Herbalists use it externally to treat skin inflammations, varicose veins , sprains, burns, insect bites and stings .


How do you use Hyssop?

The leaves of this herb are packed with a refreshing aroma that give it its common name- Woodland Hyssop. It is also known for its medicinal value. The leaves of this herb are packed with a refreshing aroma that give it its common

Why do you plant hyssop in your garden?

To get rid of aphids, slugs and flea beetles use a spray made from 2 gallons of water and about 20 drops of citronella oil per gallon.

Can Hyssop be used for tea?

Yes, hyssop can be used for tea.

What are the healing benefits of hyssop?

To get rid of fever and stimulate respiration, take a teaspoonful of hyssop tea three times a day.

In order to prevent constipation, boil 6 ounces of hyssop leaves in 2 quarts of water and drink it after straining it.

To treat chronic coughs and colds, add ½ teaspoonful of the herb into your bathtub every evening before going to bed.


Hyssop flowers is a unique and beautiful plant that can be used for medicinal purposes or just as a colorful addition to your garden. Planting it not only helps to add color but also useful for cleaning the air around your house which is something we should all think about doing.