Types Of Ranunculus You Need To Know

There are many types of ranunculus flowers. They come in different colors such as blue, red-orange and white. The most common color is white with a yellow center. Some flowers have petals that rise up higher than others. Other flowers have a more rounded shape.

The ranunculus flower does very well in pots and containers because they only grow to about a foot tall. Since they like shade, they can be grown underneath an oak tree or a shrub where there is plenty of humidity. They are beautiful flowers that can brighten up any garden bed!

Tomer Picotee Ranunculus

In a nursery, you will find the varieties of ranunculus called Tomer Picoteet. The former has yellow sepals with dark green petals that are pleated and arch upward. (Sepal is another word for leaf.) On the other hand, the Semant variety has no sepals but it has many rounded petals that are white in color. It also has a yellow center.

Often called the rose of the spring, tomer picotee ranunculuses are usually white with lilac at the very top of their petals and in their centers. The blooms on this option look very similar to an old-world rose, but these plants are much easier to grow. In warmer climates, plant the corms in the fall for early spring flowers. If you live in a cooler climate, then wait until after the last freeze and grow this option as a summer flower. On the average, this option reaches about 10" tall.

Corsica Picotee Ranunculus

If you want a ranunculus that is just as beautiful but different in shape and color, then corsica picotee may be right for you. Instead of the rounded shape, with no sepals or petals, it has sepals that are rose-colored with green edges. It also has petals that are lilac and tightly pleated in a spiral around the center of the bloom.

This variety is not only beautiful, but also easy to grow. Because it is very compact, corsica picotee looks great planted close together in containers or along borders. This variety is a great choice for wedding bouquets or any other types of floral arrangements.

Ranunculus Lyallii Description

The lyallii type of ranunculus is a hardy plant that can grow in nearly any soil condition. It has feather-like leaves radiating out of the center point with small bright yellow, large petaled flowers blooming from end of April to early August. Ranunculus Lyallii is native to China and Korea and its green, fleshy rhizomes (underground stems) are harvested for food.

It can be found growing in rock crevices, over rocks, on forest floors and open fields. It has a short, relatively thick stem and waxy leaves that are green. It also has broad flower petals of yellow with red-brown veining. Its interesting leaf structure makes it an attractive addition to any garden or landscape. Ranunculus Lyallii flowers are a stunning addition to any garden.

Ranunculus Lyallii is hardy, meaning it can grow under many different conditions. It does well in rocky soil in full sun and blooms from April to August. The plant needs about four hours of direct sunlight daily, but can be grown in partial shade as well. The plant grows best in moist soil, but it can tolerate dry conditions. It will grow to be about 18 inches tall and wide.

Ranunculus Lyallii attracts butterflies and hummingbirds with its bright yellow blooms that have red-brown veining. This beautiful flower looks spectacular planted near rock gardens or on top of a waterfall.

Ranunculus asiaticus is

Ranunculus asiaticus is a flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. The plant is native to eastern and central Asia, being found in most countries between latitude 50°N and 46°S, from Mongolia, Japan, China and South Korea south to Pakistan.

However, it has been widely introduced outside its native range by humans for use as an ornamental garden plant. It has naturalised in many other areas, and is listed in some countries as an invasive species where it is becoming a problem.

Unlike the closely related native plant Ranunculus fassettii -native to Colorado the Asiatic buttercup exhibits no toxicity; however, for human health reasons this has led to attempts at eradicating it in certain places.

Ranunculus asiaticus is a robust perennial growing to 0.5–1 m tall, with bright green stems and palmately lobed leaves with three or five lobes; it is also known as the Asiatic buttercup or Asian water crowfoot. The flowers are rather large for the size of the plant, up to 1.5 cm diameter, and usually yellow with five petals, although there are varieties in which they are white or orange.

It is a common ornamental plant for landscaping gardens and used as cut flowers, owing to its hardiness (USDA Zones 4-9) and ease of propagation by seed or division.

Ranunculus asiaticus seeds are dispersed by water movement, such as in streams and rivers. It can grow in clean gravels but also accumulates well on the detritus layer of soils. The seedlings grow rapidly and flower for the first time when they are one year old. They flower a second time during their second or third year after germination.

Ranunculus aconitifolius

Ranunculus aconitifolius is a species of ranunculus that grow in meadows and woods.  It has t wo varieties, aconitifolius and var. amplexicaulis. The variety grows from 3 to 7 feet tall with leaves ranging from 2-3 inches long and serrated on the edges . It flowers between June and August, sending out rich maroon flowers . 

The plant itself is edible but must be cooked as it contains a poison. The seeds can be eaten raw. The root is a good source of starch and was used by some Native Americans as food in times of hardship. The plant's leaves are used in herbal medicine, the flowers are edible and an infusion of them can be taken for coughs . The root is also used to treat rheumatism.

Ranunculus aconitifolius is  commonly found growing near streams, marshes and riverbanks. It has a single long taproot with protruding lateral roots. It likes to grow in moist and wet soils but it also can survive, for some time at least, if the soil dries out. The plant is found growing in North America, Europe and Asia.

Maché White Ranunculus

They are easy to grow and have long lasting flowers. There are many different varieties of Maché White Ranunculus. The most popular however is the 'Bees Blush' variety. 'Bees Blush' has lovely pinkish-purple petals with yellow centers, it normally grows to around 20 inches tall and 15 inches wide.

There are also many different sizes of ranunculus that you can plant as well, ones ranging from 2-3 inches tall all the way up to 8-10 inches tall. The larger and more mature varieties of ranunculus are normally meant for cutting because they last longer in a vase.

There are many different kinds of soil that you can plant your Maché White Ranunculus in, but it is best to use a rich well draining soil. The best way to plant them is by using a shovel or trowel and make a hole large enough to plant the rhizome, with at least one inch of space between each piece. Before planting them you should also add some kind of fertilizer or compost to help your plants become healthier faster. 

They do best in full sunlight however they will still grow nicely when placed in partial shade. They can be planted anytime of the year in most areas but it is best to plant them from March- May.

Ranunculus cortusifolius

It grows in the spring. It has 2-3 white petals with dark purple stamens. The center is yellow, and there are blue–purple anthers beneath it. They are about 4 inches in diameter. It has a long period of bloom.

It is the earliest flowering perennial that grows in the spring in North America, and its main growing season is May to June. It prefers slightly acidic soils in full sun. The flowers can be used for bouquets or cut from their stems and left to dry on a piece of paper overnight, so they can be stored and used for dried arrangements later. The leaves are toxic if eaten in even large quantities.

It is most commonly planted on the north side of a building, where it can be protected from harsh winter winds that would otherwise bruise or break it during storms.

This plant is often wrongly called "Ranunculus repens" because it climbs using its extremely long stems that take root where they touch the ground. The blooms are solitary in threes with a cylindrical or conical shape to them, and they come in white, yellow, red, orange and purple (but not blue). The leaves are in whorls and have a toothed edge.


Tecolote is a word of Spanish origin). Usually, it refers to the burrowing owl , an animal that is native to the desert southwest of North America and Mexico. However, in Mexico there are also species closely related to each other called Tecolotes . The type native to Mexico is a flower named R ranunculus . Technically, Tecolotes and R ranunculus are two varieties of the same species (along with other closely related forms). However, Tecolote is a name almost exclusively reserved for the burrowing owl.

This flower has a two petaled white flower with five stamens (the male reproductive part of the flower). It grows in Mexico and New Mexico in areas where there are rocky mountains or cliffs. Normally, they grow above ground level (as opposed to growing underground like the burrowing owl).

The flowers are edible and have a sweet, slightly peppery taste. The stalks themselves can be eaten as well. They go by many names in different areas such as Saltillo Lily, Night Blooming Cereus, Mexican Potato Cactus , Grafted Echeveria , Starfish Plant, Waxplumeria , and R ranunculus (which is the scientific name for this flower).

The flowers are used in Mexico to make an edible jam. Additionally, it has been known to be mixed with fruits such as strawberries or guava into beverages called margaritas.

Winter Buttercups

With bright golden-yellow petals and bright-green spikey leaves, these flowers are easy to grow, deer-resistant, and do best in zones 2-8. They grow up to 4 inches tall, and they do best in partial shade or full sun. If your soil is rich with humus, they do especially well, and it is best to plant them where there is plenty of room to grow, in part because they naturalize and re-seed easily. They are low-maintenance and bloom in early-Spring. They're also commonly known as Crowfoot, Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden Gate and Painted Lady.

The plant is a known contact irritant, and has been suspected in some cases to cause allergic reactions, including redness of the skin or eyes, itching, rashes on the skin, eye irritation and even breathing problems. People who work with it should seek immediate medical attention if they experience any of these symptoms.

The plants have been used medicinally as a diuretic, anti-spasmodic and blood purifier. Other uses for the plant include an addition to tea as a mild sedative or tranquillizer, or taken internally as a syrup in cases of coughs, colds or asthma.

Silver Shamrocks

Shamrocks are flowers of the genus oxalis that come in either silver or yellow-green colours. Shamrocks were first discovered and then cultivated during the late 19th century, with their name deriving from the Irish legend "Saint Patrick's Cross".

Silver Shamrocks are characterized by three leaves on a stem, with each leaf having a silver or white centre and green outline. These leaves are either heart-shaped (when they are in bud), or arrow-shaped (when they are in bloom). The petals of this plant are bright yellow, although the colour is affected by light and weather conditions. They can be spotted around March to April.

Silver Shamrocks are mostly viewed as garden plants, with their white and green colours matching well with many of the flowers that would be present in a traditional garden. They can also be planted in pots or even sold on their own. Shamrocks have been used for centuries as healing herbs, mostly being boiled into teas.


With long, upright stems that are thin and yellow-green in color, the Tango looks similar to a rose with its layers of bright red-orange petals. Unlike roses, buttercups need no pesticides, are easy to take care of, and look just as beautiful when all is said and done. These flowers are not only stunning, but they are a symbol of beauty and elegance.

Tango Ranunculus have been a favorite in the floral industry for years, and it's easy to see why. Named after the lively dance style of Tango, these roses will make your heart beat fast with their beautiful layers as bright red-orange petals shine brightly against the green stems. The leaves of these flowers are rich with greens and yellows that aid in bringing out the bright colors of the petals.

Tango Buttercups are large flowers that can grow up to five inches wide, making them one of the most popular choices for floral bouquets and arrangements. There is nearly no preparation necessary when you choose to have this type of flower delivered, and you can proudly display them in a variety of ways.


When is the best time to see the flowers in bloom?

In late spring running buttercups can be spotted blooming among other wildflowers, as well as in grassy meadows or on the edges of woods. Once summer has begun they tend to disappear and won't be seen again until spring. Note that buttercup season varies across the country depending on your latitude, soil type, elevation, and seasonal temperature variation.

How do buttercups spread?

Buttercups spread in many different ways. Buttercup flowers can naturally come from seed that is pollinated by the wind, however they are most often planted in gardens or fields and then simply grow into large patches of plants. The mother plant will root itself to the soil, which allows it to take up nutrients from the soil. The stems of these plants can also root themselves in the soil as well, which allows them to spread while it is still attached to a plant.


If you desire to grow ranunculus at your backyard, then the above article about types of ranunculus should be helpful. You can use this knowledge as a guideline in growing them; but always refer back to the original source if need be.