Types Of Wasps And What Makes Them Unique?

There are many different types of wasps, but they all share a few things in common. Their bodies have three sections: head, thorax, and abdomen. They come in various shapes and colors depending on their species. And they can be found all over the world!

The vast majority of wasps feed either off plants or other insects like caterpillars. Some parasitic wasps lay eggs inside living insects or spiders which eventually hatch out as baby wasps to consume their host from the inside out! Other types of wasp will parasitize plants by feeding on nectar and plant sap until the plant eventually dies from exhaustion.

Yellow Jackets 

Yellow jackets are a variety of wasps found around the world that have bright yellow and black markings on their abdomen. Many people find them to be especially pesky because they like to build their nests in dark areas like garages, attics, or under decks. Generally, you will only find one queen per nest. Once she has finished laying her eggs, she will feed on protein-rich foods like dead mice or baby birds.

The workers (daughters of the queen) forage and defend the nest by attacking anyone that threatens their home with their powerful jaws. Their stings have a higher concentration of venom than other types of wasps do, so they are especially dangerous to humans who get too close to their nests.

Yellow Jackets are also known for raiding picnics and outdoor gatherings. They often build their nests inside picnic baskets or coolers that have been left out in the sun, which can make them a hazard to people who might not realize they are nearby!

Bald-Faced Hornet 

While Yellow jackets are considered social wasps, Bald-faced Hornets  prefer solitude. They are the largest of all types of wasps in North America and have an orange or red mark on their faces where other wasps have black stripes. Like yellow jackets, they will attack people who get too close to their nests which are usually found under grass clumps or in wood piles.

Although they are most active during the summer months, there have been reports of them being active as early as April in colder areas.


The Bee-eater is a species of wasp from Africa and Asia that can be identified by their bright blue abdomens that have black and white bands on them. They are solitary wasps and generally stay away from humans, but their nests can still be dangerous for people who come across them unknowingly. Some species of this type of wasp actually hunt bees!

The German wasp is another species of social wasp that build nests in trees or shrubs. They have a black and yellow coloration, but their most notable features are the two black stings on their abdomens that give them the appearance of being very dangerous to humans. However, despite their looks, they will generally stay away from people unless provoked.

These wasps will also often take over the nests of other species, like bumblebees and honey bees to lay their eggs at an opportune time when there are a lot of food sources for the larvae to feed off of.

Once they hatch, the German wasps will drive off any remaining inhabitants of the nest so that their offspring can lay claim to it as their own.

Asian Giant Hornet 

The largest species of wasp in the world has a head and body length of more than two inches. The Asian giant hornet is also known for hunting honeybees. They have a yellow and black body with distinctive white spots on their abdomen.

Their stings are actually capable of killing an adult human in as little as 30 minutes if left untreated! However, they generally leave humans alone since we are not on their list of preferred food sources.

Paper Wasp

The paper wasp is a type of social wasp that prefers to build their nests inside man-made structures like behind window shutters. They are usually considered non-aggressive, although they will attack anyone who threatens them directly! Like other species of wasps, their stings are loaded with venom.

Paper wasps are attracted to smooth surfaces like the white walls inside homes, so they can often be found living under a layer of mold. If you notice an abnormally high number of paper wasps near your house, it is very possible that there is a nest nearby. Call your local pest control company to remove them so that you and your family do not accidentally disturb it!

Cicada Killer Wasp  

The cicada killer wasp is a large type of solitary wasp, but it will become aggressive if provoked. It prefers sandy soil to build its burrows in because those types of soils have an abundance of cicadas to feed its young. The female digs a burrow that is up to three feet deep and creates cells with paralyzed cicadas that the wasps will lay their eggs in before sealing them shut.

The male Cicada Killer Wasp has two stingers, but they are not used for attacking people like the ones on the female wasps' bodies. Instead, they are used to fight off other male Cicada Killers that will try and take over their burrows!

Mud Dauber 

Mud Daubers are also solitary wasps that build their nests from mud. They will create a small nest out of twigs and mud in areas where there is an abundance of insects for the larvae to feed off of. Their nests are usually found around the outside walls or roofs of homes, so if you notice one nearby be sure to get it removed! It is possible that the mud dauber will build a nest inside your home if you do not remove it in time.

European Hornet 

The European Hornet is also known as the 'giant hornet' or 'great black wasp'. It has a distinctive yellow band that runs down its abdomen. The rest of it's body is either black or dark brown, with white stripes on it's legs and antennae.

In some parts of Europe, European hornets are considered a delicacy, although they are not consumed very often in North America. They primarily feed on honey bees and other insects, so their venom is rarely harmful to humans. However, it can cause some itching and other discomforts if you are stung by one!

Bald-faced Hornet

The Bald-Faced Hornet is an aggressive type of social wasp that will sting anyone who attacks it. They prefer to build their nests in trees, and the male hornets are a lot more aggressive than the females. They build their nests out of wood pulp, paper, grasses and twigs!

Blue-winged Wasp

Blue-Winged Wasp are typically found in the southeastern portion of the US, but they have been seen as far north as Ohio. The female has a body covered with white and silver hairs all over it with black stripes on her abdomen! They will sting anything that threatens their nests, so be sure to call your pest control company if you see one near your home!


Honeybees are not actually wasps, but instead they are a type of bee that produces honey for human consumption. They are incredibly important to the ecosystem because they help to spread seeds around the area!

The worker bees will travel up to 2.5 miles from their hive in order to find food and water, so it is always good to leave a small water dish outside for them! Without our bees, we would not be able to survive!

Thread Waisted Wasp

The Thread Waisted Wasp is a temperate species of wasps that are typically seen in the early summer. They will build their nests out of twigs, branches and leaves! The females prefer to lay their eggs in dead wood before it decomposes, so they will often be seen chewing on wood until it becomes soft enough for them to enter it!

The male of the species will feed on nectar, but the females will prefer to prey on other insects. They will sting or chew their victims until they die before carrying them back to their nests and feeding them to their larvae!

Dolichovespula Maculata

This type wasp is very similar in appearance to the European Hornet, although it is significantly smaller than them. They do not survive the cold weather that their larger relatives are able to survive!

Instead, they will spend the winters hibernating in colder climates. They are typically seen near rotting logs where there are a large amount of insects for them to eat!

Banded-wing Wasp 

The Banded Winged Wasp is a solitary wasp that preys on other insects. They build their nests in sheltered places, and create tunnels made of mud to lead into it. Their wings are covered in dark brown or yellow bands, and they have extremely powerful jaws.

These  wasps will prey on leaf-hoppers, moths and flies.The larvae that come from their eggs will often grow into predators of wood-boring beetles and caterpillars. They can sting humans if they are provoked, but you would have to provoke them!

Blue Mud Dauber  

The Blue Mud Dauber is found in the western part of North America, and even as far south as Mexico! They build their nests out of mud and both females and males will work to construct them.

They will often place their nests in areas that are likely to be walked on.  California has asked the Blue Mud Dauber to try and reduce populations of pests such as ants, mosquitos, flies and aphids because they help control them. They are not as aggressive as many of the other wasps on this list, but they will still sting if you get too close to them.

Blue-Headed Wasp 

This type of wasp is one of a few that use other insects to build their nests for them! The female will choose a beetle larva and then she will inject it with an egg. The larva will burrow deeper into the ground and create a chamber that creates a perfect place to grow!

The Blue-Headed Wasp is located in parts of Arizona and New Mexico. They are extremely aggressive, so if you see one near your home, be sure to call a pest control professional immediately!

Vespula Alaskensis

The Vespula alascensis is native to British Columbia, and it is considered one of the most aggressive wasps on this list! They are very territorial, so be sure not to disturb them when they are near their nests! The males will often challenge each other in flight.

They feed on a diverse diet that relies heavily on flies and other insects that are resting or hiding. They will often seek out food for their nestmates before they return home to the hive.


How do you get rid of wasps?

There are a variety of different solutions if you want to remove wasps from your home. You can try and contact a professional, but these services can often be expensive! If you would like to save some money, you should consider using wasp traps that have been designed for this purpose. These will catch the wasp and allow you to release them elsewhere.

How can I keep my family safe from wasps?

Wasps are dangerous insects, which is why it is so important to protect your loved ones. The best way to do this is by keeping an eye on the nests before you or someone in your home goes outside for a walk. If you notice a nest near where they are walking, warn them to stay away from it!  

Make sure to remove food sources (such as garbage or pet food) that are attracting these wasps. They are more likely to fly towards areas where there is an abundance of food, so keeping a clean home will help prevent them from bothering you!

How can you protect your pets from wasp stings?

If you have a pet that is constantly getting stung by wasps, you may want to consider using some of the home remedies that people have tried. One popular choice is a mixture of vinegar and water, which can often deter wasps from flying towards your pet!

You can also try spraying pepper spray on yourself or your pet's collar! If you purchase "wasp spray" from a local hardware store, you can also spray the wasp directly to kill it.

If your pet does get stung by a wasp, never use ice or soap on the area! These remedies can often lead to infection and discomfort, so call your veterinarian as quickly as possible if necessary.

What are some signs that you have a wasp problem?

The easiest way to tell if you have a wasp problem is by looking for the nests outside. Wasp nests can be found just about anywhere, but they are often placed along trees and in corners of your home. If you notice that there are several nests near one area, this may suggest that you have a wasp infestation that needs to be addressed.

If you notice a nest near your home, contact a professional for an inspection! A professional will be able to determine the best solution for your home and they can often do this quickly so that you don't have to live with these stinging insects for long.

How can I keep wasps out of my yard?

There are a few ways that you can prevent wasps from living on your property! If you want to keep them away from your home, make sure to remove any holes in the walls or other structures. Wasp will often build nests close to one another, so by fixing up these areas, you may be able to keep them out!

You can also plant flowers and fruits that do not attract wasps. If you have a garden, it is important to clean up any fruit or produce as soon as possible because wasps will often try to feed on these items when they are nearby.

If you notice a nest near your home or garden, contact an expert for additional assistance.


Although there are many types of wasps, the most commonly seen ones are in the genus Polistes . They have specific roles in their colonies and will protect themselves from predators. There also exist parasitic wasps that lay eggs on or inside other insects so that when they hatch, the larvae can eat and kill their hosts.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the different types of wasps. If you want more information, there are several resources at the end of this article for you to look over.